sábado, 21 de junho de 2014

Mr Rarey is about thirty years of age

Mr Rarey is about thirty years of age

Mr Rarey is about thirty years of age

Mr. Rarey is about thirty years of age, of middle height, and well-proportioned figure, wiry and active rather than muscular his complexion is almost effeminately fair, with more colour than is usually found in those of his countrymen who live in the cities of the sea-coast. And his fair hair, large gray eyes, which only light up and flash fire when he has an awkward customer to tackle, give him altogether the appearance of a Saxon Englishman. His walk is remarkably light and springy, yet regular, as he turns round his horse; something between the set-up of a soldier and the light step of a sportsman. Altogether his appearance and manners are eminently gentlemanly. Although a self-educated and not a book-educated man, his conversation, when he cares to talk, for he is rather reserved, always displays a good deal of thoughtful originality, relieved by flashes of playful humour. This may be seen in his writing.

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