sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015

When the Coach comes round to the office door

When the Coach comes round to the office door

When the Coach comes round to the office door

When the Coach comes round to the office door,
What a crowd to see it start,
And the thoughts of the drive, cheer up many who leave
Their friends with an aching heart.
The prads are so anxiously tossing their heads,
And a nosegay does each one adorn,
When the Dragsman jumps up, crying out sit fast,
While the shooter blows his horn.
When the Dragsman jumps up, &c.

Now merrily rolls the Coach along,
Like a bird she seems to fly,
As the girls all look out from the roadside Inns,
For a wink from the Dragsman’s eye,
How they long for a ride with the man who’s the pride
Of each village through which he is borne,
On that Coach which he tools with so skilful a hand,
While the Guard plays a tune on his horn.
On that Coach, &c.

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