quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013

With the hand well up and close under the horse’s gullet

With the hand well up and close under the horse’s gullet

Rearing. Knot the snaffle rein loose it when the horse rears put your right arm round the horse’s neck, with the hand well up and close under the horse’s gullet; press your left shoulder forward so as to bring your chest to the horse’s near side, for, if the horse falls, you will fall clear; the moment he is descending, press him forward, take up the rein, which, being knotted, is short to your hands, and ply the spurs. But a horse, after being laid down and made walk, tied up like the zebra a few times, will seldom persist, because the moment he attempts to rise you pull his off hind leg under him and he is powerless.

Fonte: Tamming Horses

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