domingo, 13 de julho de 2014

A wild horse until tamed is

A wild horse until tamed is

A wild horse until tamed is

A wild horse, until tamed, is just as wild and fearful as a wild stag taken for the first time in the toils.

When a horse hangs back and leads unwillingly, the common error is to get in front of him and pull him. This may answer when the man is stronger than the horse, but not otherwise.

In leading you should never be further forward than your horse’s shoulder: with your right-hand hold his head in front of you by the bridle close to his mouth or the head-stall, and with your left hand touch him with a whip as far back as you can; if you have not a whip you can use a stirrup-leather.

See The Wild Ponies of Exmoor.

Made by Stokey, North Street, Little Moorfields, London.

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