sábado, 19 de julho de 2014

Leading him up to it and back again

Leading him up to it and back again

Leading him up to it and back again

You should lead him about in the stable some time before you take him out, opening the door, so that he can see out, leading him up to it and back again, and past it.

See that there is nothing on the outside to make him jump when you take him out, and as you go out with him, try to make him go very slowly, catching hold of the halter close to the jaw with your left hand, while the right is resting on the top of the neck, holding to his mane. After you are out with him a little while, you can lead him about as you please.

Don’t let any second person come up to you when you first take him out; a stranger taking hold of the halter would frighten him, and make him run. There should not even be any one standing near him, to attract his attention or scare him. If you are alone, and manage him rightly, it will not require any more force to lead or hold him than it would to manage a broken horse.

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