quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

You cannot learn to ride from a book

You cannot learn to ride from a book

You cannot learn to ride from a book

You cannot learn to ride from a book, but you may learn how to do some things and how to avoid many things of importance. Those who know all about horses and horsemanship, or fancy they do, will not read this chapter. But as there are riding-schools in the City of London, where an excellent business is done in teaching well-grown men how to ride for health or fashion, and as papas who know their own bump-bump style very well often desire to teach their daughters, I have collected the following instructions from my own experience, now extending over full thirty years, on horses of all kinds, including the worst, and from the best books on the subject, some of the best being anonymous contributions by distinguished horsemen, printed for private circulation. Every man and woman, girl and boy, who has the opportunity, should learn to ride on horseback. It is almost an additional sense it is one of the healthiest exercises it affords amusement when other amusements fail relaxation from the most severe toil, and often, in colonies or wild countries, the only means of travelling or trading.

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