quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013

Placing one hand on the horse’s mane

Placing one hand on the horse’s mane

Placing one hand on the horse’s mane, make him lean down to each side in succession, till he reaches to within a short distance of the ground. These exercises give a man a firm hold with his legs, on a horse, and teach him to move his limbs without quitting his seat. Then take him in the circle in the longe, and, by walking and trotting alternately, teach him the necessity of leaning with the body to the side the horse is turning to. This is the necessary balance. Then put him with others, and give him plenty of trotting, to shake him into his seat. By degrees teach him how to use the reins, then the leg.

These directions for training a full-grown trooper may be of use to civilians.

Fonte: Tamming Horses

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