terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2014

At length the hedges began to grow thinner

At length the hedges began to grow thinner

At length the hedges began to grow thinner; beeches succeeded the hazels; the road, more rugged and bare showed the marks where winter’s rains had ploughed deep channels; and, at the turn of a steep hill, we saw, on the one hand, the brown and blue moor stretching before and above us; and on the other hand, below, like a map, the fertile vale lay unrolled, various in colour, according to the crops, divided by enclosures into every angle from most acute to most obtuse. Below was the cultivation of centuries; above, the turnip the greatest improvement of modern agriculture flourished, a deep green, under the protection of fences of very recent date.

Fonte: Tamming Horses

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