segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

Woodfall and Kinder Printers Angel Court

Woodfall and Kinder Printers Angel Court

Woodfall and Kinder Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.

If the steamboat and the railway have abridged time and space, and made a large addition to the available length of human existence, why may not our intellectual journey be also accelerated, our knowledge more cheaply and quickly acquired, its records rendered more accessible and portable, its cultivators increased in number, and its blessings more cheaply and widely diffused? Quarterly Review.

London: Farringdon Street.

In epitomizing this valuable book of reference, Mr. Townsend has endeavoured to give as fair a view of the leading details of Modern History as was possible within the limits. The more interesting portions of the subjects that stand out in bold and full relief on the map of the past have been described at greater length, while less important matters have been abridged, without interrupting the thread of the narrative. Every date has been verified, and the entire work submitted to the most careful revision. In fact, Mr. Townsend’s aim has been to supply what has long been wanting in English literature a Handbook in which the chief events of Modern History are set forth in a clear, concise, and intelligent form.

All candidates for offices in her Majesty’s Civil Service are examined in Russell’s Modern Europe.

Fonte: Tamming Horses

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