sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2015

Rule I. Selection of The Team.

Rule I. Selection of The Team.

Rule I. Selection of The Team.

The first thing the pupil should do, is to select four horses as nearly as possible of the same temper. Never keep a puller, for it takes your attention from things that require all your care, makes your arm ache, in fact, does away with all pleasure. I should recommend hiring or purchasing four horses that will give you no trouble, and when you can pull them about, and do nearly as you please with them, you can then get your permanent team, which will require a very judicious selection, particularly if you intend to pride yourself upon colour as well as action. I was told by a gentleman, that he was ten years, getting a perfect team of black browns; he did not confine himself to price, and he certainly now has a very nice team and they ought indeed to be perfect, after all the time, labour and expense that have been bestowed upon them.

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