quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

Country that was almost all grass

Country that was almost all grass

The Fitzwilliam pack was established by the grandfather of the present Earl between seventy and eighty years ago; they hunt four days a week over a north-east strip of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire a wide, wild, thinly-populated district, with some fine woodlands; country that was almost all grass, until deep draining turned some cold clay pastures into arable. It holds a rare scent, and the woodland country can be hunted, when a hot sun does not bake the ground too hard, up to the first week in May, when, in most other countries, horns are silenced. The country is wide enough, with foxes enough, to bear hunting six days a week. Bless your heart, sir, said an old farmer, there be foxes as tall as donkeys, as fat as pigs, in these woods, that go and die of old age.

Fonte: Tamming Horses

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